~ A Place to Nest~

This is my little corner, a place to nest and to share with you my thoughts, hopes, dreams and wishes. Cherish the moments that touch your heart and embrace them.
~As always,
~Peaceful Blessings to You and to Yours~

Tammy ^j^

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Day Away

Ah, a day away with my oldest daughter was so NICE! I love hanging out with my oldest daughter, shopping, going out to eat, having our fav Starbucks, talking and just relaxing. I stayed over on Friday night and we went scrap booking all day on Saturday. This has now become a bad habit that she loves! We love looking back at our kids when they were first born and just the reminiscing together. This will now become one of our monthy rituals together and we are already looking forward to the next one together. I loved spending time with you Rani, Love You! There is nothing better then just to get away from home and from everything and to take time for yourself.

I have to give a big thanks to my hubby for staying home with the girls and he had the house all in order so I could come home and relax some more! So sweet! Love you too honey!!

Not much else going on at my little nest and now I must tend to my chicks who feel so deprived because I was gone for a day. They are so funny!

I hope you all had a very nice weekend and got to have a little piece of time for yourself. Cherish a moment and hold it close to your heart.

As Always,
~Peaceful Blessings to You and Yours~


~Tonya said...

Isn't is always so nice to get away....

but then you have to go back to it. LOL

So glad that you and Rani had some time together, that is so nice.

Have a good night.

Tammy said...

Yes it is nice to get away! Some times I wish I were a magician then I could go to other countries LOL! Have a good one!
Luv & Hugs Tammy~