Lets see where shall I begin? Well lets start with last week and my day from hell! I was washing my face with astringent and you ladies I am sure how that burns! In my mind I was going to use eye make up remover but that is not what my hands did. You guessed it! I am wiping away and oh Crap my EYE!!!! Burned like fire and I thought what the hell! I am throwing water into my eye. I had been in a hurry and grabbed the astringent instead. Ok that is funny. Right?
Then I proceed to grab the basket of dirty clothes run down the first flight of stairs and what the hell is that I just stepped in??? My arms are full, foot in mid air and there is cat PUKE on my foot!!! Oh yum!
And that is pretty much how my whole day went. Don't you just hate those days?
I had my little girls birthday party with her friends yesterday and it was a beautiful day!!!! Maycayla will turn 6 on Wednesday and she is so excited.
Halloween was fun and it was another beautiful day. My hubby downloaded on the other computer so I will have to have the pics downloaded onto this one so I can post the pics hopefully tonight. My girls were Cinderella and Hannah! They just love playing dressup.
I hope you all enjoyed your evening of Spooky spirits! Just think Turkey day not too far away and Christmas is around the corner. Oh ya don't we know it. I went to Wallyworld at 10:30pm Sat night after my crop night at my shop and Christmas music was playing. UG not yet toooooo sooooon! But I do love Christmas just not yet. Lets enjoy this beautiful season and not think about that yet!!!
As Always
~Peaceful Blessings to You and to Yours~